Learn How To Remove Yourself As The Bottleneck In Your Business And Scale Faster Than Ever Before In Just Three Days!

Your business needs a real CEO. 
Let's be honest...you're not as profitable as you'd like because you're doing all the things.

It's time to...

  • Let that tight grip go
  • Elevate yourself into a true CEO role
  • Start delegating and create a lean dream team

This 3-day workshop will help you discover the important revenue generating activities that are being pushed to the side and highlight how to get started effectively transitioning your day to day.

 $97  Now only $27.
If you’re not blown away by our workshop, we will refund your money.

Learn How To Remove Yourself As The Bottleneck In Your Business And Scale Faster Than Ever Before In Just Three Days!

Your business needs a real CEO. 
Let's be honest...you're not as profitable as you'd like because you're doing all the things.

It's time to...

  • Let that tight grip go
  • Elevate yourself into a true CEO role
  • Start delegating and create a lean dream team

This 3-day workshop will help you discover the important revenue generating activities that are being pushed to the side and highlight how to get started effectively transitioning your day to day.

 $97  Now only $27.
If you’re not blown away by our workshop, we will refund your money.

Perfect for established business owners that…

  • Are micromanaging and have too tight of grip on all the things
  • The business is way too reliant on you
  • Is scared to outsource because no one can do it as good as you
  • ​Want to delegate but don’t know where to start or how to get the resources
  • Desire to scale but can’t imagine putting in more hours

If any of those resonate, this workshop was created especially for you!

"We've tripled the number of clients we're serving in the year..."


Business Coach

“I've grown my 5 figure tutoring practice into a multi-six figure business. I've expanded my administrative team, and learned strategies for better employee management. We've tripled the number of clients we're serving in the year, and our churn rate remains low indicating their satisfaction with the educational and business experience we provide."

"I cut back my hours to 30 hours a week only doing the things I love!"


Agency Owner

"Implementing Stacy’s systems has allowed my agency to run more efficiently in just 3 months. I’m talking saving over 15% on expenses, 4Xing my revenue, consistently maintaining 30% profit and cut back my hours to 30 hours a week only doing the things I love!"

"Within the first year, we reached over $1 million 
in sales..."


Restaurant Owners

"Stacy challenged me to create more sales and profits. Within five months, my husband and I opened a food truck outside our brick-and-mortar store. Within the first year, we reached over $1 million in sales."

Want to know how I built not one but two 7 figure businesses over the last 20 years while working less than 40 hours per week

Join me for my 3 day workshop where I break down the Profitable CEO framework helping you increase your profit while getting back some of your time.

You’re working too hard!

Here at Well-Oiled Operations™, 
we don’t do business stressed.

Soon neither will you.

I haven’t worked in one of my businesses in almost 10 years, yet it continues to produce 7 figures annually. 

This isn’t one of those passive income, get rich quick situations. This is a real business and an asset that will fund my retirement. It didn’t happen overnight or by accident. 

Over the last 20 years I’ve learned from the best of the best and I found the secret sauce to building solid systems and attracting, training, and retaining A Players that love what they do.

This 3 day workshop is going to break down the 5 step process and get you on your way to building a profitable business that doesn’t solely rely on you.

I guarantee you’ll love the training or we’ll give you a full refund.

The workshop is available daily at 11AM CST/9AM PST
Replays available


Here’s what the 3-Day Profit Sprint schedule looks like.

How To Remove yourself as the bottleneck in your business and scale faster than ever before.

Un-Bottleneck Your Business

I'll be breaking down our 5 Step Profitable CEO Framework

Money-Making Outsourcing Opportunities

Then, I’ll show you how to outsource to people that make you money instead of cost you.

Time Multiplier Mastery

Last, I’ll show you what it looks like to attract top-tier talent.


Join now and get the 3-day workshop for only $97  $27

Too good to pass up!

Join Now And Receive:

  • 3 days of trainings because you don’t know what you don’t know ($997 value)
  • Daily Templates and Worksheets ($97 value)
  • Text Support from a Well-Oiled Operations™ coach ($297 value)
➡️ Total value of $1391 for $97 $27
 ***Space is limited*** 
We will cap our enrollment to ensure all client’s receive 5 star customer experience.

Money Back Guarantee:

Here at Well-Oiled Operations™ we stand behind our work. If you’re not 100% satisfied with the workshop, email us at info@stacytuschl.com within three days of the start date and we will refund your money in full.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What’s the promise of the three day workshop?

This 3-day workshop will help you discover the important revenue generating actives that are being pushed to the side and highlight how to get started transitioning your day to day. You’ll leave knowing exactly where to start and what your best next steps are.

Who’s the workshop for?

It’s perfect for established business owners that…
  • Are micromanaging and have too tight of grip on all the things
  • The business is way too reliant on you
  • Is scared to outsource because no one can do it as good as you
  • ​Want to delegate but don’t know where to start or how to get the resources
  • ​Desire to scale but can’t imagine putting in more hours

Who’s the workshop not for?

  • People thinking of starting a business but don’t have one yet
  • You don’t know what to sell or still need to pick a niche
  • You have zero interest in being anything other than a solopreneur

Where will the workshop take place?

I’ll be teaching live on Zoom and don’t worry if you can’t make it we will upload the recordings to a member’s only area and you’ll have access for 14 days to watch it.

What if I can’t join live?

No worries. Schedule time to watch the recordings within the 14 days and you won’t miss a thing. But, if you can rearrange your schedule or join live, make it happen. Our most successful students go all in and show up live to get their questions answered.

How soon can I get started?

Immediately. You can join the Facebook group right away. We recommend joining now because space is limited with the 1:1 coaching support.
If we didn’t answer all your questions…
Contact us at info@stacytuschl.com.


Save your spot and receive $1391 worth of training for just $97 $27.

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Stacy Tuschl LLC 2022 All Rights Reserved
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Additionally, Stacy Tuschl LLC and Foot Traffic is NOT endorsed by Facebook or Instagram in any way. 
Results are not typical or guaranteed.